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    Making Social Media Posts – What’s the Right Frequency?


    Building the perfect posting schedule can be a challenging task. Finding the correct blend of posts that keeps your followers informed while not being overbearing is a delicate balance. If you are a member of our Sesame Social Service, we provide you with consistent and relevant posts.  

    Still, supplementing our content with posts of your own can elevate your social media and will likely result in increased engagement.  


    How Often Should You Post?

    Studies have shown that limiting your Facebook posts to one or two a day makes for the optimal posting schedule. Anything over that may seem too spammy to your followers.  

    Since you only have a limited number of posts during a given week, take advantage of them! Each week social service members can expect at least three posts coming from our team. We make it easy to view upcoming posts in our Social Media Posting Suite. Getting in the habit of checking these posts and filling in the gaps (days with no posts scheduled) with your own pictures and videos will bring much more of a personal touch to your social media.  

    Be Consistent

    Consistency is key when it comes to social media. You want to make sure the content being posted to your networks is relevant to your brand and image. Keeping an eye on the posts we have going out for you and swapping them for more relevant content if necessary is a good way to keep the post consistency in check.  

    Here’s a helpful tip – set up a reminder or make it a habit to check out what we have scheduled for you on a weekly basis. That will guarantee the posts you receive are ones you truly want! It also might help you get in the habit of adding your own photos to the mix. 

    What’s the end goal?

    A primary goal of social media marketing is getting your content in front of the people who want to see it. You want to stay relevant and be a valuable dental resource so when your patients go to make their next appointment, they won’t be considering another practice! Think about the type of content your followers like to see. Do they seem passionate about a specific sport or activity? If so, be sure to highlight that in your posting schedule! 


    —Tyler Harris, Lead Social Media Specialist, Sesame Communications 

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    Sesame is an industry leader in integrated, cloud-based marketing and patient-engagement solution designed exclusively for your practice. We know that effective patient communication is vital to the success of your practice and the efficiency of your team. With Sesame, you can take your practice to the next level, allowing you to concentrate on what’s really important – your patients!